Elected Best Trainer for Men in NYC
+ Team of 10 Trainers
Cancer screening

If we remove every death from cancer from the life expectancy average, we would get an extra 10,4 years.
If you catch it early, you increase your chance of treating it, and ultimately living longer. Always fight and never give up!
Nowadays your chances of surviving cancer are constantly increasing thanks to cancer research.
Here's the list of cancer to get regularly checked for:
-Kidney & renal pelvis
-Lung & bronchus
-Leukemia (blood)
-Colon & rectum
-Urinary bladder
-Skin (carcinoma & melanoma)
-Lymphoma (lymphatic system)
-Osteosarcoma (bones)

My Grandpa Marcel, grandma Rolande, and me at 5 (1996)
I have lost my grandpa Marcel at 88 due to colon cancer. He would have probably lived another 10 years if he could have avoided it. He was very fit his whole life, and even in his 70s was doing his gymnastics every morning after rolling out of bed. He loved playing soccer and riding his bike. I am pretty sure I got my physical abilities from him.
I have lost my grandma Rolande in 2015, and my mum called me while I was coaching a client...
I love them both very much, may they rest in peace.
Papi, mamie, reposez en paix, je vous aime!